Chemical Peels

In a chemical peel a solution is applied to the skin to achieve an improvement in some aspect of the skin. Generally a chemical peel promotes acceleration in exfoliation. The skin may not obviously peel but behave like a mild sunburn.

A chemical peel can be superficial, medium or deep depending on the particular solution used and the required results. Usually superficial or medium peels are performed at this clinic. A deep chemical peel is only performed for severe sun damage.

Chemical peels can improve pigmentation, uneven skin colour, skin texture and quality. They can be combined with other treatments such as laser toning, microdermabrasion and dermal fillers and muscle relaxing injections. Usually your skin care and sunscreen regime will also be discussed.

Many agents can be used as a chemical peel. For superficial peels this clinic uses lactic acid, salicylic acid or mandelic acid. For deeper peels Jessners solution is used. Jessners is a combination of lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol. The deeper the peel the longer the recovery time.

The peel treatment involves cleansing the skin and then application of the peel solution. The peel may be left on or removed as necessary. Then moisturizer and sunscreen is applied. Sun protection is vital during the healing time from the peel. The skin will then gently peel or flake for the next few days during which moisturizer and sun screen must be used.

Deep chemical peels are more invasive and need some downtime to heal and grow new skin. They need topical local anaesthetic cream prior to treatment as they can be uncomfortable. Deep peels will improve severe sun damage, some pigmentation and soften fine lines.

If you are interested in a chemical peel please phone to make an appointment with Anne or the Clinic Nurse who perform the peels to discuss this further. Deep chemical peels are only performed by Anne.